RE: Guest Editor Appointments

Images Coordinator will be on stand by should they need anything.

Janet Smith

---- Original Message ----
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Guest Editor Appointments
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 19:40:06 -0400

>To:   AIS Board of Directors, et al, 
>I  am pleased to announce the appointment of two guest editors for
>the next 
>two  issues of IRISES,  the Bulletin of the American Iris Society: 
>Jaime Cloud of Shreveport, LA, who will  edit the summer issue (she
>need immediate article help) with a one month  slipped deadline to
>June 15 or 
>perhaps later; and, second, Jane Milliman of Victor, NY, who will 
>edit the 
>fall issue.  They are both  interested in filling the editor position
>on a 
>regular  basis. 
>Jaime  Cloud is a graduate of Centenary College of Louisiana and is
>proprietor of  Cloud 9 Designs, L.L.C.  She is  editor and layout
>designer of 
>Fleur de  Lis, the quarterly journal of The Society for Louisiana
>Iris, for 
>which she  utilizes Adobe Creative Suite 3 and Microsoft Office
>with Sundance  Press. 
>Jane  Milliman?s education is in ornamental horticulture from Finger
>Community  College.  She is publisher of Upstate Gardener?s Journal
>and a  
>gardening columnist with the Rochester, NY Democrat and Chronicle. 
>She is 
>fluent in the entire Adobe Creative Suite, the Microsoft Office 
>suite, and 
>basic web design. 
>Please  join me in welcoming Jaime and Jane as they strive to
>maintain the 
>quality of IRISES.  Content, as always, will be dependent on  input
>from our 
>members.  The emphasis for the summer issue will be the  convention
>garden tours in Portland, OR.  Assistant Editors Dave &  Debra Miller
>(Springfield, IL) have lined up garden writers for each of the 
>Portland area 
>gardens.  Immediate past editor Kathleen Sonntag has provided  pdfs
>and other 
>supporting documentation and publisher Gene Mandish of Sundance 
>Press has made 
>himself available for publication procedural  discussions. 
>John  Jones is asked herein to add Jaime and Jane to our aisdiscuss
>Jim  Morris 
>President, American  Iris Society 

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