Re: Email Problems

Hi Howie,

It depends on who sends the message. 

Because I sent the message from an address that was not an or address you received the message. If you sent an email to the AISDiscuss it would not be delivered to or addresses or any other email service that  that blocks mail based on SPF records (which are many).

aYou will continue to get email sent to AISDiscuss that is sent from addresses that are not or addresses.

Until we come up with a fix, that is the situation.

Frankly in the long term, and especially if one is a member of other email lists, people should get a new email service (not any of the free ones like hotmail, Gmail, AOL, Yahoo etc.)


John and Joanne Jones
Registrar-Recorders, American Iris Society

John Jones, Chairman, Electronic Services Committee

35572 Linda Drive
Fremont, CA 94536

On May 1, 2014, at 12:19 PM, wrote:

> I am on AOL and received this e-mail.  Does that mean that soon I will no
> longer be able to receive them?
> Howie Dash
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Jones <>
> To: aisdiscuss <>
> Sent: Thu, May 1, 2014 9:15 am
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Email Problems
> Recently both AOL and Yahoo have taken steps to protect users from spoofed
> email
> attacks.
> Unfortunately, this policy also breaks email mailing lists like
> and means that AOL and Yahoo users that send email to
> AISDiscuss will have their email rejected by AOL and Yahoo - meaning the other
> AOL and Yahoo addresses on AISDiscuss will not receive their email.
> If you really want the details you can read all about it at:
> -mailing-lists.html
> There are two solutions:
> 1: Require that anyone on AISDiscuss (and by implication AISVote and
> AISConfer)
> must have an email address that is not an or address.
> or
> 2: We are working on a fix that may on may not be viable. Chris (our host at
> has a solution for which we are working out the details).
> You should manually check the AISDiscuss archives for recent activity and to
> keep up with any current discussions using your browser (Chrome, Firefox,
> whatever). I hope that none of you are using Internet Explorer - and if you
> don't understand that, email me privately.
> The archives are public and do not require a password. Then can be found at:
> Stay tuned
> Thanks
> John

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