Re: AIS Copyrighted Material


   Isn't there somewhere in the copyright info from AIS that its alright to
use the material as long as AIS gets the credit and is so stated. Dave N.

-----Original Message-----
From: MORRISJE1 <>
To: aisdiscuss <>
Cc: vjohnson <>
Sent: Thu, May 30, 2013 11:53 am
Subject: [AISdiscuss] AIS Copyrighted Material

The American Iris Society has much information and data that is
opyrighted.  We have recently sent a "cease and desist" letter from our
ounsel to Longfield Gardens, LLC, Lakewood, NJ for unauthorized use of  AIS
opyrighted material with iris sales packages at a COSTCO in  California.
In addition, various members of AIS have received requests to use and
eproduce AIS copyrighted materials.  My questions to the Board are:   Who
hould be designated to give approval to use our materials?  Should we  have
nternal approval process or not?  I don't believe just "anyone" or  everyone
hould have such authority.  Should the approval point be the  President
nd Legal Counsel or the Public Relations Chairman?  Most of  you know that I
lready have plenty on my plate.  As an example I just  received a request
rom Missouri Botanical Garden where Jean and  I volunteer as follows:
 plan on  uploading the iris images I have taken into the gardenbs (MOBOT)
atabase which will be accessible to the  public.  Each taxon has a field
o describe the plant.  I want to  propose to plant records that we put the
ris registry information in that  field.  First I would need permission to
se the AIS copyrighted  information from someone within the organization.
ho should I  contact?
our opinions and quick feedback  would be appreciated.
Jim Morris
merican Iris  Society
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