Putting 'Basic Iris Culture' booklet on the AIS web page

When my club does their show and puts on our summer sale, one of the important functions we have is to provide the visitors and buyers with information on how to grow irises. The public always has questions on "what they are doing wrong" when their irises aren't blooming, or how to plant this new rhizome they're getting. We try to have the Basic Iris Culture booklet available, but often the public isn't ready to buy booklets, they're just interested in getting the rhizomes.

The AIS web page has a lot of wonderful information but not that much about iris culture (only a nice short article by Betty Wood). Our club just can't seem to sell the Basic Iris Culture, even at $1.50, and we don't have enough club funds to just hand it out to everyone. The booklet isn't that big, and it does have some diagrams and specific articles by iris type, which would be very helpful to the internet public. Any chance of putting this small publication into .pdf format and placing it on the AIS web page? People could print it off if they liked, at their own printing cost. It could get this booklet more widely distributed, and make good culture information readily available 365 days a year.

Kitty Loberg

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