Chapter 4

Hi Claire, some comments before tonight's session.  Sorry for the short notice.

A possible lead in sentence for Chapter 4: The American Iris Society (AIS) provides opportunities for members and the general public to display, view, have judged, and receive recognition for iris they have grown, entered, and displayed in an AIS accredited show setting via a show schedule.

 1st para:  The sentence “It must be in agreement with the official exhibition rules and regulations adopted by the American Iris Society.” begs me to ask, where the official exhibition rules and regulation adopted by the AIS are.  It seems like it is referring to another AIS document and not those rules and regulations actually documented in the handbook.  Could use, adopted “herein” by the American Iris Society.

 4th para:  E. C. Ballots should probably be spelled out, Exhibition Certificate (EC) ballots.


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