Re: Permission to Use AIS Logo

Happy to help via the IP Committee if that's the desire. It seems like a rather straightforward issue that would fall under section 3 of the Committee's charge:.
The IPC shall have the following authority and responsibility with respect to Intellectual Property:
  1. To develop and recommend policy and policy changes dealing with intellectual property to the Board of Directors;
  2. To review all requests for use of AIS intellectual property, referring any especially sensitive issues to the AIS Board of Directors board; reporting all recommendations to the AIS Board of Directors;
  3. To draft and enter into use agreements as appropriate;
  4. To review all allegations of IP infringement and recommend appropriate action to the AIS President.
Bob Hollingworth

From: John Jones <>
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Permission to Use AIS Logo

I think the Intellectual Property Committee can approve this without a Board action.


John and Joanne Jones
Registrar-Recorders, American Iris Society

Director, American Iris Society

35572 Linda Drive
Fremont, CA 94536

> On Mar 19, 2016, at 7:49 AM, wrote:
> Dear AIS Board Members,

> I would like to have permission to use the AIS logo on the 2016 convention bags if the 2016 AIS Convention Committee approves of using the logo. I am thinking if we have bags left over, we can either sell or pass them on to the next convention, a region, and/or a society.

> Since I am not a voting member of the AIS Board, someone will need to make a motion.

> Thank you,

> Paul W. Gossett
> 2016 Convention Co-Chair

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