Michelle and John J.
What is the NLT date for submitting reports to John ? A date
will help in our planning.
---------- Original Message ----------
From: Michelle Snyder
Subject: [AISdiscuss] Secretary traveling - Spring Board Reports
- Invoices and Checks - IMPORTANT PLEASE READ
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 09:37:22 -0700
Hello everyone,
Well the time is getting near for Gerry and me to leave on our
grand adventure, March 25. As most of you know, we will be
traveling until June 7 so will be unable to attend the Spring
Convention and board meeting in Portland.
First thing I need to address are any invoices that need
payment. If you have invoices they need to be to me no later
than March 20. If while we are gone, you
need to have the invoice paid then please send it directly to
Dwayne Booth, AISTreasurer at aistreasurer@irises.org
and he will take care of the payment. His address can be
found in IRISES.
Secondly, if any checks are received, DO NOT hold them until
my return. Send them directly to Dwayne for handling. I can
receive and process checks up to March 20.
Thirdly, the upcoming convention and board meeting. All
reports are to be sent directly to John Jones at jijones@usjoneses.com.
Please try and have your reports already in PDF format when
you send them. Word is the only other acceptable format. NO
reports are to be sent with the text inside an email. It is
also very important for everyone to be aware that it will by
your responsibility to make sure there are enough copies to go
around. That means that if you don't send your report in time
for John to load it to the web site, you will have to bring
approximately 30 copies. One for each of the board members
and the others for visitors to the meetings. If you do, as I
sincerely hope you will, get your report to John in time, you
will only need to bring about 10-15 copies for visitors.
Please put all extra reports on the table provided prior to
the start of the meeting.
Second Vice President, Jody Nolin has graciously offered to
handle the sign in sheet for completion for all attending.
Remember, you only need to sign it once. She also has all of
the name placards and will place them at the board table.
I know you will all have a wonderful time, especially seeing
the incredible blooms that will be available and I want to
thank you all in advance for making the report process as easy
as possible for John. Gerry and I will miss seeing all our
Thank you all in advance for your cooperation.
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