2014 AIS Convention in Dallas

Dear Folks,

If you are still dawdling on the fence as to whether or not to attend the 2014 AIS Convention in Dallas, you need to make up your mind soon.

The deadline for the $99+ tax at the Crowne Plaza Hotel will end on Tuesday, March 25, 2014 as the hotel has extended the deadline.  Contact Dell Perry, the convention registrar, at  seandelirises@yahoo.com or telephone number  972-816-3418  concerning registering for the convention.

This is your final notice before the March 15 deadlines for both the hotel and your 
registration for reservations to the 2014 AIS Convention in Dallas, Texas on March 15, 
2014.  You need to go to the AIS website and complete a registration form and mail it to 
Dell Perry.  If you need more information you may contact Convention Chairperson Bonnie 
Nichols at (214) 352-2191 or email bjnhtn@aol.com or  you may contact me at (918) 
853-6204 or email pwgossett@juno.com.

Also, you need to register at the Crowne Plaza Addison Hotel as soon as possible as their 
is a very large convention starting when we are leaving the hotel and some of these folks 
maybe registering early  Please contact the Crowne Plaza Addison Hotel at  972-980-8877 - 
ask for the "IR4" room rates.  Reservations must be made at the hotel by March 
14, 2014 to get the $99+ tax  guest rate.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Hope to see you in Dallas.



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