Re: Operations Manual?

I have nothing to hide and for you to blateantly suggest such I take
offence. I and Rita wrote our operational position. And I have since
written the other operational positions.  It has nothing to do with
hiding anything it has everything to do with where this belongs and
the Iris Wiki
is not it.  Why are we handing over AIS business to the Wiki?  The
Wiki is to be the "be all" encyclopedia of irises not AIS business.

Having said that considering I hold 4 positions - 3 of which have
been for several years - no one incuding you Robert, contacted me to
update anything.  Nor necessarily does anything need updating in a
lot of respects because the jobs are what they are.

It is my hope someone on the BOARD of DIRECTORS will bring this up at
the Spring Meeting to clarify where AIS business should be. The AIS
website is where the Officers of AIS are listed so too the
committees, so why not the operational manual there as well.

Janet Smith
Photo Contest
AIS Digital Programs/Slides
Image Coordinator
Calendar Coordinator

---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Operations Manual?
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 19:54:04 -0400 (EDT)

>the Operations Manual was placed on the wiki at the request of Janne
>Plank in November 2011. It was essentially hidden from view at the
>time in that there were no links to it, until it was presented to the
>board. The board was requested to update each of the entries as per
>their responsibility.  This was done at the fall 2011 board meeting.
>There was tacit agreement that this allowed everyone to view the
>changes, if any, and to make them. There were no objections from the
>board and generally what was it was accepted with the note that it
>could be revised by any committee chair for ther responsibility. When
>all revisions were done it could logically be displayed own the
>website if desired. But these positions are not written in stone, and
>if they were, we could officially proclaim the AIS a dead
>organization. The intent was this to be a working document that could
>be used by officers, RVPs, chairs, etc to pass on to their successors
>and those that were interacting with them. !
> They Bylaws provide an official description on the Major offices and
>their duties and powers. This was an expanded version summarizing the
>Bylaws for the major offices and providing some definition for
>offices not covered in the bylaws. I worry about those fearfull in
>loosing controll and letting the membership see how we define
>ourselves. What are you hiding? The descriptions are recruited from
>the the offices themselves and if they are not updated that is
>because the office made no effort to get the information to the wiki.
>Jeanne resigned from this position after she gave it to the wiki and
>those who were at the meeting knew thew should make an effort to send
>updates to the wiki if they did not want to make the changes
>themselves. I feel it irresponsible to believe this simple type of
>activity can not have transparency and generally that attitude is why
>AIS is not trusted by its membership or its officers.
>----- Original Message -----
>I find no motion approving any operations manual to be placed on the
>It should be on the AIS Website, that is where AIS business is.
>Janet Smith
>---- Original Message ----
>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Operations Manual?
>Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 09:32:23 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
>>When I mentioned asking Jeanne Plank for the latest update on the
>>Operations Manual it was because I had sent in my offices updated
>>operations policies and procedures. They have not been incorporated
>>into the document on the wiki. I would guess that is the case with
>>others as well. Just trying to not reinvent the wheel. Also, if it
>>not currently on the website, where did the copy on the wiki come
>>from? Who controls that document?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>>Sent: Mar 11, 2013 3:01 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Operations Manual?
>>>The Operations Manual (in need of much work to which Debbie Strauss
>>>appointed by me at the fall board meeting to start position by
>>>review)  is currently listed on the Iris Encyclopedia.  It is very
>>rough and  
>>>incomplete in many places but at least it is a start.  Posting it
>>there  exposes 
>>>its many areas of weakness as well as strengths and perhaps will
>>>some action by the current incumbents who did not always respond to
>>>repeated requests at board meetings for updating by Jeanne Plank. 
>>know  we 
>>>are all volunteers but this does need everyone's attention.  Thank
>>you,  and 
>>>thanks to Jeanne for all her previous effort. 
>>>Jim Morris
>>>American Iris Society  
>>>In a message dated 3/10/2013 5:17:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>>> writes:
>>>have  looked through the digital archives and I do not see an 
>>>manual.  If anyone has one, please let me  know.
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>>AIS Membership Secretary
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>>DeLeon Springs, FL 32130
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