Re: Operations Manual?

	I do not have a digital copy of the AIS Operations Handbook.  I have various digital files of individual positions, but no singularly collected file -- nor did Roy, who I believe composed most of the descriptions -- or at least a great many of them.  
	Over the years, repeated requests for updates fell -- for the very most part, on deaf ears.
	One and all are welcome to what I have, but what I have is pretty much what is posted on the Wiki.
	The webpage or the wiki -- either posting will only be as good as the frequency with which the listings are updated.   
	To state the obvious --  means of communication change quite rapidly these days as do the ways in which business is conducted. Care needs to be taken not to get locked into stagnation.
On Mar 10, 2013, at 1:18 PM, Debra Strauss wrote:

> Does anyone have a digital copy of the AIS procedures/operations/job
> description manual in a word document?  If so would you please send it to my
> email.  I am trying to review it and then contact all the current people with
> the positions.  Thanks for your help.
> Debbie
> Debbie Strauss
> AIS Board of Directors
> AIS Silent Auction Chair
> MIS Fundraising Chair
> R17 Newsletter & Parliamentarian
> PBIS Treasurer
> 2213 Hereford Blvd
> Midland TX 79707-5012
> 432-352-5483
> "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter
> with another human being.  Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who
> have rekindled this inner light."
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