Re: Motion regarding image submission for Iris registrations

I think further definition of "AIS uses" is necessary.


On 3/17/11, Robert Pries <> wrote:
> Why do not we just add an amendment to the motion that says submission of
> images constitutes permision for any and all AIS uses.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 3:35:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding image submission for Iris
> registrations
> If AIS asks for voluntary submissions with no policies and then allows the
> picture to be used for any purpose the hybridizer does not approve, it seems
> to me there is potential legal liability.  How much is AIS prepared to pay
> to
> settle the case? Is this probable, no. But then there previously was no
> probabilty that the Japanese nuclear plants would explode. Clarence.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Pries <>
> To: aisdiscuss <>
> Sent: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 8:41 am
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding image submission for Iris
> registrations
> Clarence; These are good questions you raise for the committee mentioned in
> the
> otion to embrace. But they do not seem as important for the voluntary
> ubmission suggested in the motion. When we get to a position of some
> experience
> ith accepting photos, we will have a better idea of the protocol needed for
> EQUIRING photos.
> The committee should be informed by the general procedures and the copyright
> olicies already in place with the Iris Encyclopedia, The slide programs, and
> he bulletin. These have all been vetted at one time or the other with Bob.
> But
> ob has always provided the disclaimer that he is not a copyright lawyer.
> opyright in the digital age has become very blurred and frankly, whether it
> is
> rint or digital, todays technology allows for all types of abuses. But that
> is
> ore a reflection of our greater society as opposed to the Iris Society.
> Since the motion suggests a rather informal approach to begin with, I think
> the
> verseas registrars would be willing to see how it goes, and be a part of the
> evelopment of procedures as we move toward more rigorous requirementss.
> Garybs motion is exactly what I have been trying to suggest. It starts us
> aining experience and actually getting something accomplished while it
> allows
> or the evolution of something more substantial. It seems to me much better
> to
> egin the process so people can slowly adjust to it, and have input, rather
> than
> ttempt a perfected mandate from the board that would surely aggravate many
> if
> hey were suddenly forced to comply.
> ----- Original Message -----
> rom:
> o:
> ent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 12:48:25 AM
> ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding image submission for Iris
> egistrations
> It is very important that Bob Plank advise on the legal implications of this
> otion. What if the photo gets used in a way the hybridizer disapproves? How
> o the registrar reps of foreign iris societies handle this? Etc, etc.
> larence Mahan
> -----Original Message-----
> rom: Michelle Snyder <>
> o: aisdiscuss <>
> ent: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 6:34 pm
> ubject: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding image submission for Iris
> egistrations
> ary White moved and Jerry Coates seconded the below motion.  As such,
>  is now open for official discussion.
> A)    The AIS Registrar shall begin requesting volunteer image submission
> ith
> w registrations.  Images shall be accepted by the Registrar, archived in the
> S Library, and displayed on the Iris Encyclopedia.
>     The AIS President shall appoint a registration committee to facilitate
> plementation of registration image collection, archiving, and disposition.
> is committee shall propose suggested guidelines for registration images by
> ly 4th, 2011."
> ichelle
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