RE: Registration Images

I agree Robert. I think a picture with flower description, dimensions of the
flower as well as plant info would be far better and as you say not only put
us up in the 21st century but along side other plant groups. Thank you and
happy growing.

Ron and
Sue Cosner

> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:15:08 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Registration Images
> As many of you know, Mike and Ann Lowe are planning to retire from the
> registration job. There are already candidates to replace them. But before
> board decides who shall take on this task, it is appropriate that the
> be slightly redefined.
> B B B B B B B B B B B B Presently Mike receives images/photos with many
> registration applications, but AIS has no policy set for images with
> registration. I do not know of any other registration authority for other
> plant groups that does not require images with registration. The world has
> changed. It is no longer difficult to create and transmit images. I feel it
> now time to catch up with the 21 st century and have a policy of asking for
> one or more images of each cultivar being registered.
> B B B B B B B B B B B This goes to the very reason of being of the Iris
> Society. We should be the ultimate source of cultivar documentation. Mike
> informs me, he already has the systems set up to accomplish much of this
> the Iris Encyclopedia will gladly help to archive this material and see
> library is copied also. So I would suggest a motion that AIS ask for images
> part of registration. I will suggest wording for the motion in another
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