----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:32
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Getting Back to
It appears that irisregister will become part of the
e-membership and will be governed by the fees associated with them.
From what I remember reading in the discussion E-memberships are not
likely to be discounted for multiple year subscriptions.
Current irisregister subscribers are going to be converted (at no extra
charge) to e-memberships.
While we currently have subscriptions that run out to 2020 that will be
grandfathered in, in the interests of improving the AIS financial position, I
thought that the board should decide whether or not to restrict new or renewal
irisregister subscriptions to single years in anticipation of the
I know it's a little early to start the discussion, since there is no
second--but could you share the background and thought process that
generated this motion?
Dennis Hager
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