12th ANNUAL GEEK DINNER Have you heard the rumors? The Geek Dinner is the place to be! Don’t know where to eat? Eat with the geeks and non-geeks that have learned what a fun time everyone has. You don't have to be a computer Geek to attend. Join a bunch of great people for dinner. Not only will there be dinner and good conversation among iris friends but door prizes and an auction will be part of the entertainment. After having spent your day getting off the tour bus and rushing around the garden trying not to miss anything...then back on the bus to the next garden to repeat the same thing again...what better way to end your day than a relaxed evening with friends at the Geek Dinner reviewing all those iris that are now on your "wish list." First there is meeting with all your friends and then making new ones. If you happen to be a subscriber to one of the iris lists or electronic robins, you can meet other members and put faces to all those funny email names. Then there is a great meal. We are still in the planning process for this but it will be great. Then of course the real fun for the night… The Geek Dinner Auction where you get to bid on new iris introductions, gift certificates from commercial iris growers, and iris themed items. The proceeds from the auction go directly into the American Iris Society Electronics Services fund that sponsors such things as the digital projector for slide shows and the online iris databases. Oh, and of course some great doorprizes. Now is the time to make plans for the, 12th annual Geek Dinner being held right in the convention hotel of the 2010 AIS National Convention. Meet new friends and catch up with old ones. The tables always fill up fast and unfortunately pre-registration is necessary. PLEASE RSVP to Joanne Prass-Jones by Friday, May 21, 2010. COST: $28.00 (not included in convention registration) DATE: Friday, June 4, 2010 TIME: 6:30 – 9:00 pm (of course you can leave the auction at any time) LOCATION: Convention Hotel (See Convention booklet) MENU: Garden salad, Rolls and Butter Herb Grilled Breast of Chicken RSVP: Joanne Prass-Jones Email: joanne@usjoneses.com Phone: (510) 795-9723 Make check payable to: Joanne Prass-Jones (Please include your email address on your check so Joanne can acknowledge your reservation) Mailing address: 35572 Linda Dr, Fremont, CA 94536 Also, if you have items to donate to the auction, please let John Jones know at: jijones@usjoneses.com know as soon as possible so we can prepare the auction. |