I feel I wish to offer an observation here. I am concerned about something. Did anyone hear Mr. Ludi say the following?
<<My recommendation is that we do not purchase the binders at this time. Run a survey at Madison or otherwise, get a number of possible sales and then make a decission. We have a big ticket item coming up that will require monies and an inventory to support our members for future years. The 2009 ten-year Checklist is something we need to plan support. >>
Now, it could be that you have by now managed to round up enough potential orders that he would say something different if asked, but as I read the Archives, he has not yet done so. Am I incorrect? After all, Mr. Ludi is the one who is going to have to manage the logistics on this scheme.
I remember once, as Membership Secretary, watching the Board vote into existence a radical change in the Membership Year which I told them point blank could not be implemented in the time frame mandated by the Bylaws. I did not say that I disagreed with it, which, in fact I did not, I did not say I thought it was ill-advised, I said we are a business office and No Can Do It Like That, and I was correct. Regardless, one after another, the votes kept rolling on in, until there it was, in all its glory, passed.
As to these binders. I have a couple of suggestions, other than to make sure you give all due consideration to anything Mr. Ludi says regarding practicalities.
These are: When setting your prices and advertising same you will need to remember shipping outside the country, and all that may entail. Also, when negotiating your best price with the vendor, make sure that you have reorder prerogatives at that original price or better for a reasonable time, or you may find you cannot continue to offer the product. Also, see if you can find out about how long they think the binders will last with average care in average conditions. Sometimes there is a mean time to failure on materials and the things will age in AIS Storefront storage just as surely they will age on your book shelves. Also, do bear in mind the economy: many people are hard up these days.
I do not want to order any AIS binders. Sorry. You could not give them to me. Although I maintain a personal reference library here, my experience is consistent with Kate's; I tried this sort of product and not only was it hard to dust, it fell open up and things got beat up. I have some journals stored in binders with Rubbermaid no-punch plastic magazine strips, and SIGNA is in a looseleaf notebook as it is designed to be, but most materials of this sort I store flat in stacking plastic sweater boxes.
Anner Whitehead