I do not know if I can
amend my own motion, but here is what I would like to see; That AIS accept the
bid for Rogers Looseleaf for 200 binders including boxes and dye cast for $1410
plus $150 shipping to Oregon, and that these be offered through the storefront
at $20 each plus shipping. Also that AIS have a special pre-printing price of
$12 each plus shipping for those orders recieved before April 30.
Discusion: at $12 if we
sell 114 we would break even. If we would get orders for more than 200 than we
could adjust the order upward such that we could cover the orders and still
have minimal inventory. I would suggest in that case we should order within a
round number those that cost would be covered by the profits of whatever was
sold over the 114. Also we can always decide to give a discount to AIS members
from the $20, but $20 seems to be the normal retail price, and that value
should be reflected in its storefront listing.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jill Bonino" <aistreas@earthlink.net>
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:43:12 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Bulletin Binders
I don't know if this has
already been done , but we've discussed it for awhile...
If there is a motion on
the floor to buy the AIs Bulletin Binders, I call the question.
If there is NOT a motion
about this I make the following motion,
That the AIS purchase an
initial order of 200 Binders according to the bid obtained by Bob Pries from
Rogers Looseleaf ( $5.45 each including a $150 setup charge plus $.85 each for
a shipping box). Storefront to sell the binders for $12 including
Jill Bonino
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pries
Sent: Mar 18, 2010 1:34 PM
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Members discounts.
The Daylily Society offers a coupon with a
membership, new, renewal, or upgrade. The coupon is honred by nuseries that
wish to do so and on the nurseries own terms. This gives the members a discount
but also drives business to those that honor it. It means the member can
shop to see what they think is the best value and the nursery can make sure an
order placed does not loose them money and perhaps gains extra business. I have
been suggesting to several people that we really could use an Iris nurserymans
forum that could make suggestions to the board that could help with programs
that are good for the nursery and also good for AIS. An additional thought was
that considering the amount of fraud on the internet that if this cosortium of
nurseryman could agree to a code of ethics that AIS could promote those Iris
growers that subscribed to the code.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Aitken" <terry@flowerfantasy.net>
To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:22:07 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [AISdiscuss] Motion regarding purchase of Magazine Binders
I like the idea of
“AIS member discount”. From the storefront?
I’ve been trying to
figure out how to do an “AIS member discount” thru my catalog but
it means checking each membership?
There’s got to be
an easier way.