Re: Spring Convention Reports

Hi Michelle and everyone...

Because of the early convention this year, the partial year financial statements will run through February instead of March.  There is not enough time to get Mar bank statements and everything closed and to Michelle before Austin.  So there will be five months of activity on the Austin Treasurer's Report and the remaining seven months when we meet in Las Vegas.  

I should have the financials and report to you by the end of the month, Michelle...I also received your monthly packet in today's mail...Thanks so much.

More later,

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Mar 5, 2008 2:25 PM
>Subject: [AISdiscuss] Spring Convention Reports
>Hi everyone.
>Just a friendly reminder that I would like to receive you reports before  the 
>end of March so I can get them to John for upload.  
>Thank you very much for your cooperation.
>Michelle Snyder
>AIS Secretary  
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