Re: a few topics for the Board Meeting
okay! this is exactly why I brought up this topic NOW! I am open to doing it any way the Board decides, and I need that decision to be made at the Spring Board Meeting. Bruce
> I would like to correct a couple of statements. It is
> not a popular idea to change the symposium. The board
> meeting in the fall did not authorize or promote such
> a change. Indeed, the report I gave of the survey of
> members attending the convention noted that a large
> number of people wrote in on the questionnaire that
> although they liked the bulletin they would like to
> see less, not more, business in it and have more
> articles. Placing the symposium question into the
> bulletin would go against what the vast majority of
> members have been saying. It is believed by many that
> one of the reasons why we loose so many new members is
> that the bulletin is not offering enough in the way of
> articles and that too much that is in it is AIS
> business and that turns off new members. There are
> several vocal older members who do not wish to loose
> the archive that the bulletin represents. The thought
> has been to possibly remove much of this material to a
> supplement that would still be archival but would
> allow the bulletin to be more appealing especially to
> new members. Adding yet another degree of business to
> the pages of the journals seems like defeating the
> strategy for gaining membership while barely saving
> any money. Considering the cost of the pages in the
> bulletin it may actually be more expensive. I pity the
> person recording the symposium ballets if we do this
> because I know how badly people write numbers.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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