Re: E-memberships

    When I wrote about considering E-memberships, I was  not referring to 
joining on-line.  Providing that  tool for becoming a member is already in the 
works.  I have been pursuing  this line of approach to membership joining and 
renewing for quite some time now  and do expect to have that option operational 
on our web page before  the Spring Convention. 
    Sometime ago I did a Internet tour of as many  "focus plant" societies 
web sites as I thought gave me a feasible  sample (I visited 31 at last count) 
and more than half of those I visited  had on-line joining/renewing 
capabilities.  As a matter of fact, for  several reasons I joined three -- the Daffodil 
Society, the Hosta Society and  the Lily Society.  I am not only interested in 
these plants, but  also in the way the groups handled new members and the 
benefits  offered through membership .  The No. Calif division of the Daffodil  
Society gets an A+ -- their response to a new member was absolutely  outstanding.
    What I was referring to in my March  Message was a new category of 
membership.  For  that reason I felt the concept would require much discussion and  
examination.  I don't think there is anything arguable about providing  the 
ability to join on line -- if it isn't already, it soon will become a  necessity 
for successful membership enrollment. I do think, however, there  is a great 
deal to examine, consider, evaluate -- what have you  -- about  creating a 
category of membership that could/would be called an  "e-membership."
    Let's not discuss the on line "Join  Button,"  that will be happening 
extremely soon -- please direct your  attention to creating a class of membership 
called "e-member" and what  benefits AIS could offer a potentially interested 
party, as well  as what new infusion of vitality it could bring to the AIS.

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