Notice of Postponement

>  3/29/08
>  Greetings members of AIS Discuss:
>      This is notice that the publication date for the revision of the AIS
> Judges'  Handbook has been postponed to January 2007.  
>      As spring approached it became clearer and clearer that inconsistencies
> and omissions in Section A, Judges and Judges Training -- accreditation,
> duties and responsibilities -- required greater attention than was
reasonable to
> expect from the Board in the time remaining to print before the 2006
> Spring Convention. 
>      Section A is the heart of our judging program. If we do not carefully
> review the  issues, widely discuss the conflicting points, and come to
> agreement with clearly defined, consistently applied guidelines, we will
> be committing ourselves to a future mired in countless conflicts and
> controversies   
>       As each point being studied in this section is presented on
> AISDiscuss, it is hoped that AISDiscuss members will express their thoughts
> observations as responsible representatives of AIS leadership.
>      It is expected that these discussions will begin right away -- prior
> to the spring convention, have some floor time at the convention, then
> after Portland and continue  through to the Fall Meeting.  It is intended
> at the fall meeting the official position on the various points will be
> finalized, and the revised copy joined to the rest of the Handbook copy and
> presented to the printer. The Revised handbook will be available from Store
> in January of 2007.
>      I urge you to take these Handbook discussions seriously and participate
> in the discussions.   Any action taken at the Spring Meeting will be in
> principle so that consideration to fine-tuning will not be compromised and
> continue until final resolution of all points at the Fall Meeting.
>      Best Wishes,
>          Jeanne

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