Re: Jan Bulletin

Just for the record, we received ours the first week in February and it was 
in excellent shape.

Brad K

In a message dated 3/6/2006 7:17:20 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:
In a message dated 3/6/2006 7:18:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

It might  interest you to know that the January Bulletin arrived today  
Monday,  March 6, 2006.

I must add my two cents to this. I fortunately also had advance copy  also, 
otherwise I would not have received the January  Bulletin until Sat. March 4. 
might add, that when it did arrive it was it  was all bent out of shape. It 
appears that the bending was caused by the  wrapper being too tight and not 
fault of the post office. If I did  not have other copy I would have to ask 
for a replacement.  Clarence

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