Re: AIS Website

Too often we seem to react, albeit slowly, rather than really study a problem and form a plan to make it better, and to appreciate how that plan would change, if at all, anything with the society. The most heard complaint about the AIS website is that one cannot find anything. I applaud John for having tried a google search (but most people do not know it is even there, and it often gives too many choices). 

There are free analytics that can be used for analyzing websites. No one has ever mentioned any results from these. So what areas of the website are most important, to whom, and why?. It seems some serious discussion should occur before adding a bandaid. How do people use the website? How do we want them to use it? It seems we might consider these before adding choices on the left. What would those choices be?

I cannot speak intelligibly about the Dreamweaver program we use. It is touted as being easy. I can say the TWIKI program with all its faults could add links to a sidebar as suggested in about ten minutes work, for me since I do not type it may take me twenty minutes. At $60 an hour I would expect this to cost less then $60. 

I have a solution that might work. Just add the word Index to the sidebar and connect to the first page of the index in the Encyclopedia. Many people do not even know that the index is there but it provides a standard index to topics on all the major Iris websites. The flaw is that the AIS website often has new topics on a page that are below the part of the page that appears when the page opens (a design flaw) so unless you scroll down you may not find the second or third topic even though you are on the right page. The other solution is to have a site map on the left sidebar. Personally I like the index better since most people know how to use an alphabetical index.

Most websites on the internet are not great, many not even good. At the CAPS meeting the Conifer Society was gloating because they recently changed their website and it has been bringing in new members every day. I do not think their site is totally adaptable to our needs but it offers some ideas. One aspect is they have links on their first page to videos that can inspire people to grow conifers. Unfortunately we have not studied our members to know their needs let alone understand whether we have benefits that attract new members.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Jones" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:34:15 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Website

On Jun 2, 2014, at 6:24 PM, "Jim Morris" <> wrote:

> Sometimes I would like a little discussion before we start making  motions. 
> Is there an overall plan for the AIS web site?  Do we have  any goals for 
> it?

There is no change to the original plan or goals established for the previous redesign. If a complete redesign is contemplated then certainly the new Electronic Services Chair should have input.

This is not a redesign, but rather an effort to make navigation easier by expanding the number of left side menu items.

>  Is this a budgeted item?  

No, but it is to be funded out of the Electronic Services Restricted Fund and thus does not affect the AIS General budget.


> As you know John has  indicated his desire to 
> retire from the electronic services committee  chair.  Should we not wait 
> until we have a replacement in place to hear  that person's ideas?
> Jim Morris
> President
> American Iris Society
> In a message dated 6/2/2014 7:32:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> writes:
> Since no one responded to this yet I need to modify the proposed motion  to 
> specify that funding is to come from the Electronic Services Restricted  
> Fund
> To the AIS Board of Directors,  
> I would like to propose an upgrade to the AIS website to allow us to have  
> additional menu items along the left hand side of the page.The graphic below 
> is a rough, hacked-together, version to demonstrate the approximate number 
> if  new menu items available. The final version will look slightly 
> different and  certainly more professional)  
> This would allow us to have greater flexibility in menu categories and  
> make over all navigation easier while at the same time allowing us to keep the  
> overall look and feel of the website.
> The cost for having McHale Creative (who did the original design and  
> implementation) perform this upgrade is estimated at $1200.00.
> I would appreciate it if some member of the Board of Directors would make  
> the following motion:
> "That the AIS Board approve an upgrade to the AIS Website to increase the  
> number of menu items available on the left side area of the webpage. Such  
> upgrade not to exceed a cost or $1200.00. funding is to come from the  
> Electronic Services Restricted Fund. Such upgrade to be managed by the  Electronic 
> Services Chair on behalf of the AIS."
> Thanks
> John
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