RE: Nominations at the convention

Thank you Susan for the clarification about the meeting and the by-laws.  As
usual, your research is a valuable tool for all of AIS.

> From:
> To:
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] Nominations at the convention
> Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:39:27 -0600
> Hi all,   Ok, time for my AIS Recording Secretary hat.  On the tapes that I
> have:  Jim announced that we were going to recess for the Executive
> Realizing that we had more nominating committee business to attend to, he
> announced that we were going to take a break instead.  At 9:44 we broke for
> break and then at 9:50 we came back and received the Nominating Committee
> report from Winona Stevenson,  The tape recorder was recording the report.
> When Winona finished giving her report, a nomination for Gordon Carver to
> added to the list was made and seconded.  Winona and Jean Morris then left
> room at 9:55 and the tape recorder was then turned off and the Executive
> session started.   As the board meetings progresses, I keep extremely good
> track of the times that everything happens in my notes that I record on my
> laptop.  Yes, there was a bit of confusion about recessing at 9:44.  Yes,
> Winona Stevenson and Jean Morris were the only non board executive people
> came back in the room with the executive committee, but it was still open
> the public and being recorded, therefore, the question raised by John Jones
> a moot point as communicated by our President.     Ok, now it's time for my
> AIS Policy hat.  According to the AIS Bylaws, Article V, Section 3 (h),
> "Officers holding the following positions shall be members ex officio of
> Board of Directors:  President, First Vice President, Second Vice
> Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor.  These officers
> shall have full voting powers unless filling a salaried position and
> compensation for services rendered in that position in furtherance of the
> purposes of the AIS".     No where does it state that the
> or even the Membership Secretary cannot be a member of the voting board
> receiving compensation.  Whether anyone thinks that it is wrong for John
> not to be even considered is incorrect, as the Bylaws specifically state
> positions receiving compensation cannot have the voting rights.
> Furthermore John or anyone else has every right to question what happened,
> as per the bylaws, anyone has the right to make nominations after the
> convention has ended and have a special election.  That is the right of any
> AIS member, whether they be a member of the board, special committee
> or the everyday regular AIS member.Susan BoyceAIS Recording
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