Nominations at the convention

Hi all,   Ok, time for my AIS Recording Secretary hat.  On the tapes that I
have:  Jim announced that we were going to recess for the Executive session.
Realizing that we had more nominating committee business to attend to, he
announced that we were going to take a break instead.  At 9:44 we broke for a
break and then at 9:50 we came back and received the Nominating Committee
report from Winona Stevenson,  The tape recorder was recording the report.
When Winona finished giving her report, a nomination for Gordon Carver to be
added to the list was made and seconded.  Winona and Jean Morris then left the
room at 9:55 and the tape recorder was then turned off and the Executive
session started.   As the board meetings progresses, I keep extremely good
track of the times that everything happens in my notes that I record on my
laptop.  Yes, there was a bit of confusion about recessing at 9:44.  Yes,
Winona Stevenson and Jean Morris were the only non board executive people who
came back in the room with the executive committee, but it was still open to
the public and being recorded, therefore, the question raised by John Jones is
a moot point as communicated by our President.     Ok, now it's time for my
AIS Policy hat.  According to the AIS Bylaws, Article V, Section 3 (h),
"Officers holding the following positions shall be members ex officio of the
Board of Directors:  President, First Vice President, Second Vice President,
Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor.  These officers
shall have full voting powers unless filling a salaried position and accepting
compensation for services rendered in that position in furtherance of the
purposes of the AIS".     No where does it state that the Registrar/Recorder
or even the Membership Secretary cannot be a member of the voting board while
receiving compensation.  Whether anyone thinks that it is wrong for John Jones
not to be even considered is incorrect, as the Bylaws specifically state which
positions receiving compensation cannot have the voting rights.
Furthermore John or anyone else has every right to question what happened, and
as per the bylaws, anyone has the right to make nominations after the
convention has ended and have a special election.  That is the right of any
AIS member, whether they be a member of the board, special committee member,
or the everyday regular AIS member.Susan BoyceAIS Recording Secretary/Policy

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