Fwd: Board of Directors Nominations

I checked on this on May 1, 2013 and Susan Boyce checked the tape recording 
 and the nominations were made by Winona in Open Session including the 
floor  nomination of Gordon Carver.  We then adjourned to Executive Session for  
the vote.  Susan said it is very clear on the tape including the  specific 
times.  She can provide same to any skeptics.  Therefore  this is a mute 
Jim Morris
American Iris Society 
 From: MORRISJE1@aol.com
To: irisgal@hotmail.com
CC:  AISSecretary@irises.org
Sent: 5/1/2013 11:15:16 P.M. Central Daylight  Time
Subj: Board of Directors Nominations

Please check something for me in the Board minutes.  Was your  nomination 
of Gordon Carver made in open session or executive session?  I  am told we 
may be in violation of bylaws/Roberts Rules if made in executive  session.
Jim Morris
American Iris  Society

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