Fwd: AIS Discuss: Response to Morris

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From: chatowhitehall@aol.com
To: jijones@usjoneses.com, AISReigstrar@iriess.org
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 2:41:38 PM
Subject: AIS Discuss: Response to Morris

Thank you, Jim. 

That is kind, and generous, and I appreciate it. I very much agree about institutional memory; indeed, I've discussed this problem with John and with Keith over the years. We need to keep up with what we know, especially if we learned it the hard way. 

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed my frisky piece in ROOTS. I have not seen it yet, but hope my images came out well. That is literally a six day wonder, start to finish. I've been working on something more substantial for HIPS, but was not ready to publish when the editor rang up looking for copy, so I offered her a patchwork essay drawn from my research files. It could sure have used a lot more editing, but over at SIGNA we were drafting new bylaws at the same time, so that is the best I could manage. 

And at the risk of sounding fulsome and unctuous, I wish to salute your Presidential message in the last Irises . I am entirely in accord with you on this business of inadequate communication, and others have said the same. Folks don't join the AIS looking for frustration, and most of them won't admire someone who is oblivious to that fact. The chores are so much easier for all when everyone does the right thing in a timely manner. 

Anyway, thanks again. 


Anner M. Whitehead 

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