Re: 2014 Salt Lake City Fall Board Meeting Hotel Contract

In looking back at Paul's 2012 spring convention report he had requested the boards approval to start work on having the 2014 fall board meeting in Salt Lake City. The board approved this and it appears that the motion now being presented is for Paul to actually sign the contract. As such, I will be sending out a separate email addressing the motion specifically.


On 6/24/2012 6:42 PM, wrote:
Is this a duplicate?  I thought everyone agree for you to  proceed.

Jim M.

In a message dated 6/24/2012 8:22:29 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Dear  Folks,

I have received a contract from the Hilton Salt Lake City  Airport Hotel
for the 2014 Fall
Board Meeting.  Bob Plank and I are  looking over the contract.

I would like to have permission, from the  AIS Board of Directors, to sign
the contract with the Hilton Salt Lake City  Airport Hotel once we have
determined it is a good contract and final details  have been worked out with
the hotel.

Thank  You,


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