RE: Emeritus Judges

HI All
I am having an opposite problem.
I have people asking for references.
My "take" on Emeritus would generally represent service as a judge outside the home region.
Attending or conducting JT's away from home, attending regional meetings to see new plants, preferably outside their home garden or region.
What we donbt want is a bunch of "armchair quarterbacks" who never get outside their home town or garden
If people donbt get out to see new stuff, they are in no position to vote effectively or fairly.
A broad perspective of the iris world is a great asset.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Pries
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges

 I think what Paul states is well said. 

Perhaps our perceptions are not as far off as one might imagine. I would interject a bit of history. It is only this year that Membership has turned around and is now growing. But for more then 15 years it has been in decline. The number of new judges produced each year has been small during this period of decline, but fortunately most of the judges from our growth phase still survive. One must also remember that not very long ago there was a limit on how many members could apply to become a judge. This total was based on membership totals in each region. With declining membership you were allowed fewer judges. The requirement of membership totals was dropped because it became harder and harder to put on shows, which by the way bring new members, a bad feedback loop. 

AIS has had a hard time finding enough judges to easily accomplish our missions, of shows, trainings etc.. We definitely need more new judges if we are to continue to grow.  But let me try to make my point clear. Because the number of new judges has been declining, the proportion of master judges as a percentage of all judges has been increasing and that is expected. If we are diligent in recognizing exemplary service this should also be true of Emeritus Judges. I do not know what would constitute a great number of Emeritus judges. All I know is because of our membership decline over the last decade one would expect the proportion of Emeritus judges to rise.

 I look around and see several master judges who have done a great deal for this society. They certainly desire the title of Emeritus. It seems the work of the society has been concentrated on the backs of the hard core members and unless we bring more people on board the decrease in membership has meant more and more work for those already doing work. I see lots of evidence of burnout, and I believe fewer individuals are taking the extra effort to nominate deserving judges to Emeritus status. 

----- Original Message -----
The reason you do not see a great number of Emeritus Judges is because a judge must earn this status.  He or she should not be given the status just because they are a good person in the region.  They should be given this status because they have gone far and above what is expected of them as a judge.


---------- Original Message ----------
From: Robert Pries  <>
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 13:55:56 -0400 (EDT)

That is not what i said. What I am saying is holding an office at the national level is not a requirement for Emeritus Judge. One can perform service in many different ways. But an emeritus judge is expected to have done something more than just the regular duties that a good judge performs. Said judge should have had positive effects on the society over and above just being a judge.

----- Original Message -----
Robert you have just confused me!

So you are saying that a "judge" who also holds an office should be considered for Emeritus?????  What does holding an office have to do with judging?

I do agree if a one judges an affiliate show that is on the national level because the show is AIS approved.


---- Original Message ----
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 08:54:44 -0400 (EDT)

>the exact wording in the Judges Handbook is "Appointment as Emeritus 
>Judge is based on service at the national level that goes far beyond 
>the expected conscientious performance as an AIS Judge" This does not 
>state that the candidate must serve in a national office. My 
>interpretation would include someone whos work would have a large 
>impact including important regional responsibilities that make the 
>entire system work. I believe a narrow interpretation would be too 
>limiting and ignore the fact that we are all part of a national 
>organization. Judges who travel outside their region to give judges 
>trainings and or judge shows are then acting at a national level.
>Whenever more then one region is involved you are acting at a national 
>level. If they hold office in Sections or cooperating societies they 
>are acting at a national level. We have many examples of emeritus 
>judges who have done no more that these things.
>----- Original Message -----
>Why I have NOT Read IT, I was told by a Judges Trainer that the 
>states that This award is for Service done on the NATIONAL LEVEL ONLY 
>??  What is the truth here??  I have some Regional People that are 
>Boyce R3VP
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Judy Keisling <>
>To: aisdiscuss <>
>Sent: Mon, May 21, 2012 12:45 pm
>Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges
>There is no limit as to how many can be nominated by one person or from 
>one egion.
>rom: Fran & Henry Day <>
>ent: Mon, May 21, 2012 11:13:31 AM
>ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges Could I nominate two judges 
>from Region 23?
>Fran Day
>RVP, Region 23
>----- Original Message -----
>rom: "Robert Pries" <>
>ent: Monday, May 14, 2012 1:44:31 PM
>ubject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Emeritus Judges Each year I am reminded that 
>our society has been growing older. Many of the udges in AIS have been 
>judges for more than ten years. Many have also worked ery hard for the 
>organization in many capacities, at the regional level and r the 
>sectional level and a few on the AIS board. Whatever, I am certain here 
>are many, whose service has gone beyond the expected conscientious 
>erformance as judge. I also believe there are several judges whose 
>service at he national level has gone without additional recognition. 
>Look around you nd reflect on the judges you know. Many of us forget 
>that it is we who ominate these special judges for Emeritus Judges. I 
>am certain there are udges who are deserving of this status, but no one 
>has bothered to send a ecommendation for the board to consider. I 
>expect to nominate at least one.
>ut I expect there are several others who should be so recognized.
>There have
>een a number of gaps in recent years where few or no recommendations 
>have one!
> B to the board. Considering the demographics of our society and how 
>involved any individuals have been through the years, one would expect 
>a much larger ohort of our judges to be Emeritus. Note Emeritus does 
>not means they stop udging, and there is no limit to how many deserving 
>judges can be made meritus. Personlly I think AIS has some catch up to 
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