AIS Registrar/Recorder and Registration Image Coordinator

From the motion that was passed at the Fall Board Meeting in Atlanta in 2011
I understood that pictures of introductions could be sent with the
registration to the AIS Registrar-Recorder directly. The current item posted
in the News Section of the AIS website suggests that pictures should be sent
to Janet, the Registration Image Coordinator. The motion's "Flow Chart"
specified "Image(s) is (are) accompanied with the Registration Form;
received by the AIS Registrar-Recorder, assigned a registration number
related to its registration folder and then transferred to Registration
Image Coordinator once the registrant receives approval for their name
requested." . . . . . "This process should be an ongoing process with
batches sent as received by the AIS Registrar-Recorder."


Do we need to amend the prior motion? If a hybridizer sends a picture with
the registration form to John, is it the duty of the hybridizer to also send
the picture to Janet? This seems confusing to me.


Susan Grigg

AIS Director

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