PayPal Section Note.

Since I am not sure AIS discuss allows attachments I
have cut and pasted the following note from the SJI
president. It is not what I am hoping to hear, becuase
I would like to see AIS and its sections building
structures together. But I understand the logic, since
they have had great success with their program. 
See following:

Sorry I couldn't think clearly last evening. It was a
very long day.

Jill Copeland forwarded me your post. At some point
I'd like to add my 
and there is no time like the present. If you would
like to forward it 
AISdiscuss, feel free.

The transaction costs of PayPal should not be a
sticking point on this 
issue. The SJI, with prodding from Catherine Button,
Chair/Treasurer (thank you Cathy!) recognized the
importance of joining 
on-line and simply did it. The welcome packet is now
electronically for 
on-line members, which saves more than it costs to
print and mail. That 
packet is delivered IMMEDIATELY. Remember that instant
gratification is 
people expect.

For the SJI, the sticking point is more likely to be a
delay in 
delivery of 
the welcome packet if a person joins through AIS.
Considering the route 
this thread has taken, I suspect that the SJI Board
would defer 
participation in the AIS online membership system, but
request that  
welcome packet sent to new AIS members include an
encouragement to join 
sections where their interest lie.

As an occasional user of PayPal user, I see little
advantage to 
the sections in the AIS online membership system. It
only makes it more 
complicated and less user friendly.

I would recommend that each section set up their own
online system and 
this argument over who pays processing fees--then get
back to the 

R. Dennis Hager, Vice President
Society for Japanese Irises
(410) 928-3147
(410) 928-5333 work

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