Electronic Versions of Checklists

Currently we allow people to download electronic versions of the 1989 and earlier Checklists.

That data plus the 1999 Checklists and the R & I's from 2000 thru 2003 in in the search engine.

3000 copies of the 1999 Checklists were printed, and John Ludi tells me they have 1864 on hand as of today. the run rate for the last two years has been:

'03 '04 '05
Jan 6 6 2
Feb 7 9 1
Mar 6 4 6
Apr 15 15 8
May 16 8 1
Jun 6 8 5
Jul 7 6
Aug 17 7
Sep 16 2
Oct 8 4
Nov 9 2
Dec 6 2
Total 119 73 23

If this year follows the average of the last two years we will sell a total of 40 copies.

I would like the board to consider that we now make the 1999 Checklist available for electronic download.

John | "There be dragons here"
| Annotation used by ancient cartographers
| to indicate the edge of the known world.

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