AIS Hotel challenges


If you havenbt already, please read my note from earlier today.B  We have
successfully navigated the hotel room situation with an expanded block for
Monday-Wednesday night (a significant expansion over our original contract).

As mentioned, Ibm providing clarifications for how we will handle any
challenges you may have had with your reservations to date.B  Please read

1.       If you have not yet made a reservation due to the challenges
previously publicized, please proceed with making your reservations as planned
(either online or via phone).B  If you run into any troubles, let me know
directly at

2.       If you have already made a reservation and need to have your
reservation extended for either Monday or Tuesday night, please just send me
your name with an affirmation of which nights you need extended from your
current reservation (or recategorized to get the convention rate) and I will
pass that along to the hotel.B  Please email me at

Again, our apologies for the inconvenience. Ultimately, we are ahead of the
pace we anticipated selling hotel rooms.B  This is a good indicator of
interest and excitement about this convention!B 




Kelly D. Norris

Director of Horticulture, Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden

Unabashedly passionate plantsman (

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