Re: The World is watching

Such exciting numbers, Bob! Hope the AIS will be up for the challenge of  
the influx of new members! 
In a message dated 1/2/2011 5:36:24 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

The  world is watching. I was pleased and surprised to discover that for  
month of December the Iris Encyclopedia had an incredible 197,000 +  pages
viewed. This is at the slowest time of the year for garden sites.  This is 
ahead of the projections I had made and may indicate that if  normal trends
persist we could easily see over a million page views this  coming May. What
does this mean for AIS? First it should be helpful to  those hybridizers 
get pictures of their introductions up on the  Encyclopedia. If any need
assistance I am sure myself or one of the wiki  contributors can help them.
Second it could mean added members, if the  electronic membership is in 
by the end of April. Whatever, it is very  exciting to know that more and 
people are becoming aware of the Iris  Society. I hope we can get a great 
more in place on the Encyclopedia  this winter, so when this spring rush 
people will be impressed by  the American Iris Society. But take note the 
is already  watching.

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