Wiki Motion

Susan, congratulations on the baby, and thanks for the research. It seems we have some work to do: I propose the following motion:


……..That the AIS create the Iris Encyclopedia; an information resource in a wiki format which allows registered users to upload comments and photos. These pages are verified by knowledgeable docents who create and or monitor pages for accuracy. The rock on which this data is built is the registrations created by the International Registrar. And that the Wki always be viewable freely and universally………  


Since our contract as International registrar states that the information be “freely and universally available” we fulfill that obligation of being an ICRA. Implicit in a wiki format is that information will be continually added and formats can evolve.


Note: Winter is a prime time for inside work and if we go two weeks to resolution it will mean progress on the wiki will be so I formally request that Roy use his best judgement in shortening the debate as appropriate. And of course if the motion is defeated the wiki workers will know quickly that they need not invest their time in a dead project.


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