RE: In Search of old VHS tapes related to Iris

After a few phone calls, I found out that there are some VHS tapes in the SFVIS cupboard at the Canoga Park Women's Club.  Mary Anne and I will look them over at the February meeting.  Jan Lauritzen seemed to think they were only old black and white garden tapes, so it is possible that Jimmy Jones had the ones Judith donated.  We shall see in February.

Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] In Search of old VHS tapes related to Iris
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:58:56 -0800

Thank you Jill.
Janet has been in touch with Judith Gasser (at my suggestion) and we now know she no longer has the several VHS tapes she made in the '90s.  Judith thought she may have given copies to the"librarian" but did not remember who that was.
I've contacted Cheryl Deaton in search of the possibility it might be a R15 Librarian -- but Cheryl thought that not a likely lead.  We both thought the Librarian may have been a SFVIS librarian, and Cheryl was going to contact Iris Larson.
What is "sad" about this is that we believe Judith had several notables on tape -- Hager, Ensminger, Mc.Whirter and a non-program video of Monty Byers (the last two, for sure)--and more!!!!!  Judith over-taped her originals because she was under the impression they were not of much value to anyone.
Because VHS has been superseded by better technology, we are in serious danger of loosing whatever VHS tapes are out there.  I hope we're not too late.
On Jan 15, 2010, at 10:34 AM, Jill Bonino wrote:

Excellent idea.  I just forwarded your emails to our SFVIS newsletter editor...Jill

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jeanne Plank 
Sent: Jan 13, 2010 5:51 PM 
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] In Search of old VHS tapes related to Iris 

Multiple cheers for Janet -- she is pursuing a course of action very valuable to the "people history" of AIS and something that could easily slip away from us. 
Look in you own VHS library for the kind of tapes Janet speaks of; bring up the quest at you local Affiliate meeting and ask any folks who have such tapes to contact Janet or me or any of you receiving this on AISDiscuss to let us know about any tapes that exist and to allow us to contact the owners and discuss converting the tapes into DVDs -- also --don't forget to put historic tape "want ads"  in your Affiliate or Region Newsletters. 
We'll all gain from achieving success in this "Treasure Hunt." 

Jeanne Clay Plank
Immediate Past President AIS

On Jan 13, 2010, at 5:30 PM, Janet Smith wrote:

by Janet Smith -- AIS Slides Chair

It has come to the attention of this Committee Chair that we are
missing an 
opportunity that if not mentioned soon will become an opportunity

So I ask, What's in your closet?  Do you have VHS tapes collecting
dust that 
just might have something of interest to the American Iris Society. 
Hybriziders giving a program?  Folks gone by that were caught on tape
at a Convention etc.  We, the AIS Slides and Digital Programs
committee, would like to have those tapes.

What are we going to do with them, you ask!  Convert them to DVD and
hope to 
have some very interesting programs to share before they are lost.

This all came about in a recent conversation with Jeanne Plank and
the more I 
thought about it the more important it became to bring it to the
attention of 
all who just might have taped and set aside VHS tapes that if we
don't get them now will be gone forever.

So how about beginning your Spring Cleaning now, and, ship them to
your AIS 
Slides Chair - me!

Janet Smith
P O Box 1585
Coarsegold, CA 93614

P.S.  Yes, this is added to my job description!

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