Bulletin Proposals

Ladies and Gentlemen members of AISDiscuss:
     The points indicated below indicated by two ** were made by members of 
the Board in the ongoing email discussion relevant to the search for a new 
Editor of the Bulletin, and the desire to analyze Bulletin production, Bulletin 
policies and what approaches we might take to improve our most important product 
-- the AIS Bulletin. These thoughts   were expressed in email exchanges that 
took place over the past four days.   I selected points that were succinct or 
easy to paraphrase. Any "editing" I did for clarity, I placed in parenthesis.  
 Any personal comment of mine is found in blue-green and ended with my 
initials. Remember, these are thoughts thrown out for discussion purposes.
     Please use this summary as "seed material" for your thoughts and join in 
the discussion.
Here is a summary of some of the points/positions that have been aired for 
consideration so far:
     ** Not only should PAY for the Editor and/or Managing Editor be 
discussed, but discussion should also include whether or not there should be 
reimbursement for a Bulletin Representative to attend each meeting of the AIS   Board.  
     **1 The AIS Board expects the Bulletin Editor to attend Board meetings (
as it does the MemSec) and on his own nickel.
     **2 Job descriptions should define who (if anyone) gets reimbursed 
(travel, room and meals) and under what circumstances.
     **3 Regarding "Guest Editorships" -- The Winter Bulletin Editor could be 
required to attend the fall board meeting, and the Summer Bulletin Editor 
could be required to attend the spring board meeting .
     **4 Perhaps all Guest Editors might receive pay/reimbursement when they 
attend the appropriate board meetings?
     **5 Perhaps we could have a full editorial staff meeting at the spring 
conventions with the Pres., 1st and 2nd Vice Pres' attending?
     **6 Perhaps the Editor position should have a term limit of 5 years?
     **7 We need to have a mind-set that says change is an evolving part of 
Bulletin production and requires an open mind and ear to the personnel involved 
and the technology which is constantly changing.
     **8 We need to decide how much leeway guest editors are going to be 
given to make changes so we can see their personal style and ideas for the 
     **9 My personal favorite is to place this information (organizational 
and administrative information) in the back of each Bulletin, but reduce the 
font size and minimize the white space.
     **10 I personally believe the current layout (font size, white space and 
size of iris photos) is excessively wasteful.
     **11 If the AIS doesn't have enough worthwhile material to publish, 
maybe we should be either using fewer pages per issue or the treacherous concept 
of one less issue per year. In the long run the value of our Bulletin will be 
judged by its content not just by its looks.
     **12 I would like to see the appointment of a new "permanent editor" as 
soon as practical with Terry staying on as Managing Editor at least until the 
new editor and the Board are comfortable with the new arrangement.   While 
guest editors may contribute new ideas and concepts, I believe this benefit would 
be outweighed by the repetitive experience gained by a permanent editor.
     **13 Defining expectations for the Bulletin, especially now before we 
have a new permanent editor is an important point.
     **14 It is very appropriate to have a well defined job description (for 
the Editor) so that everyone understands exactly what is expected from the 
editor, staff and the board/committees.
     **15 An appropriate contract should be drawn for any AIS position where 
the individual holding that that position is drawing a salary (or stipend).
     **16 All current and relevant policy positions taken by the Board and 
relating in any way to Bulletin production should be complied and presented to 
the new position holder with the position's job description.   (This is a good 
idea for almost any Board position. JCP)
     **17 (Font size was brought up more than once in the exchanges between 
Board members,JCP)           Examples:      *I believe (a font size of) 10 is 
plenty for business information.
                         *There doesn't seem to be any unanimous agreement on 
desirable font size:                                      12, 11 or 10
                         *Our members are near senior citizen status and 
would appreciate larger fonts                                    for easy reading.
                         *I have very bad vision and font size is not a 
problem for me.
                         *(Regarding font size) I suppose we could pose the 
question to the membership in                               a Bulletin filler.  
 Maybe we call it "Tell the Editor" or "Feedback"   I don't have              
                 a problem with that
     **18 (White space was another Bulletin attribute that was addressed by 
several. JCP)
               Example: * I'm for adding as many pages as necessary (to the 
Bulletin) as long as they                                    aren't wasted on 
organizational material and administrative material standing                    
           in a sea of white.
                          * (Eliminating white space) is not as easy as you 
think.   ...you just don't know                               until publication 
gets right down to the wire -- like -- the last day (whether or               
                not you will have low priority stuff to fill the white 
                         * There are good design reasons for white space and 
it is often used on purpose.                                 Even in a 
publication like ours it serves a purpose.          
                         * I would like to see better use of space as others 
have already commented on.
          **19 I do like the idea of using this as a trial period for us and 
for the Guest Editor.
     Please join the discussion.

(I would be intereted to know if you have found this summary (1) interesting  
 (2) helpful (3) tedious, or (4) a "turn -off with regard to following or 
engaging in discussion of this issue.)

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