Re: BOD special meeting: Handbook for Judges, Feb 9

Hi Phyllis:
No decision has been made about format. We have talked about print-on-demand, down-load versions, a packet of papers, etc.  But no final decision yet.
At this point, we are just plowing through the chapters.  The topic of handbook format and distribution will be on the agenda later.  
I shouldn't have mentioned format since it is not been decided.  
Claire S

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 4:16 PM Phyllis Wilburn <> wrote:
Hi Claire:  Your statement about the format of the handbook above:  Is this a recent decision of the committee?  It did not quite match what I think I heard Andi say at the last meeting.  I have no objections, but would like to know when this decision was made and whether it is set in stone or not.  It would be nice to be able to tell folks who ask about it.  Thanks.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 12:39 PM Wayne Messer <> wrote:
Hi Claire and Everyone,

Where do we find the working copies of the chapters we have not dealt with yet?  I'm looking for Chapters 4, 5, and 6 on Exhibitions in particular.  They don't seem to be in the folders in the Google Drive linked in your first message.

Thanks for your help.

Wayne Messer

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 2:07 PM Claire S <> wrote:
Hi Everyone:
A reminder that the first version of the Handbook for Judges will be a printed copy, black and white only, with diagrams and not with photos.
Colored photos will be reserved for the online version of the Handbook.
Did you catch the bit about the first version of the Handbook will be a printed copy?  
We have received some concerns about what the Handbook will look like.  Cute, of course, charming and photogenic.  
Seriously, the first version will be a printed, black and white copy, maybe not so cute, but certainly useful.
Claire S

On Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 9:02:06 PM UTC-8 Claire S wrote:
Hi Everyone:
Congrats to us!!  We, the BOD, approved two chapters Feb 2 of the Handbook for Judges!  Ch 3 Awards & Honors and Ch 8 Border Bearded Iris.  The final, approved chapters are in Google Drive, in their appropriate folders.

Feb 9th is the next special meeting of the AIS Board of Directors for more chapters in the Handbook.  We hope to work through the rest of the median chapters: Chapter 9, 10 & 11.  These are now posted in Google Drive

Please send wordsmith changes to me, to my personal email,  before the meeting so we can use time in the meeting for the discussion of content.  

Here is the link to the Feb 9th meeting.
I hope to see you there.
Again, congrats to us for approving two chapters!!
Claire S

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