Janet: I remember perhaps more than you realize. I remember what it feels like to work and work and work on projects without anyone seeming to care. I spend every day working on Iris stuff in one way or another. Often I ask myself is it really worth it. Sometimes it bothers me that I do so much and never am offered compensation while others do get paid. But my compensation is seeing something worthwhile being created. I can empathize with you. You are expressing similar concerns. I am sure we do not offer enough encouragement. But you have done a fine job laying out the calendar. No one is questioning that. There are also times when I would like to see things done differently or I am asked to do something in a time frame that is not only inconvenient but a hardship. None the less, I understand that I can not have everything my way and I have to work towards what is best for AIS as a whole. I can remember printing too many calendars and we still have calendars from last year offered on the storefront at fire sale prices. Yet remember calendars were printed in time for the May convention. Granted some clubs could sell calendars at Spring shows in April and May but there is no evidence they would do that. The suggestion I made regarding a survey this next week would allow depending on the results, for calendars to go out in April and May, perhaps even late March. But if there is not the interest that a few have suggested then we could wait till later. And if there is the interest the survey might spark people taking action on it. The most important thing is, it allows our membership to express their feelings which is more important than what you or I think.