[Fwd: Re: 2017 calenders]

I am re-sending this as it appears it did not go through as no one has
responded to it.

Calendar Editor, Janet Smith

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] 2017 calenders
From:    "George and Janet Smith" <ypauls@sti.net>
Date:    Thu, February 18, 2016 8:22 am
To:      aisdiscuss@aisboard.org

As editor of the AIS Calendar let me help you remember some things that
seem to have been forgotten here:

1. Remember when ? the calendar was not released until November (two
months before calendar date)!
2. Remember the year it was springtime of the printed calendar before we
got them?
3. Remember John Ludi was reporting affiliates were screaming at him the
calendar was WAY TO LATE?
4. Remember when AIS use to pay over $1,000 for layout of the calendar?
5. Remember I volunteer to do the layout to save you money.
6. Layout, which means I must find appropriate photos that meet the
requirements of the printer (high resolution, 300 dpi, CMYK conversion,
fits the page, in focus, never been used before, dates on the months
changed to appropriate year, marking the holidays, proofreading, having a
friend proofread. Approval from John Ludi it meets his requirements.  Just
to give you an idea of my time involved.
7. Time frame ? 2-3 weeks of my time.
8. Once this is done and approved it is sent to the printer?s ? printed in
about 3 weeks depending on their schedule for it to reach Storefront.
9. Remember when fundraisers, shows begin for our Affiliates????  MARCH,
10. Remember when the calendar was done by me in November (my quiet time)
and was changed to March so the Treasurer would be happy????
11. REMEMBER, I am also Photo Contest Chair?????   May to July!!!!!
12. Remember Bob Pries ? I have a lot to do before the May to July
receiving of over 400 photos and though I appreciate your wanting to WAIT
and have MORE TIME ? I don?t have that luxury ? I am up against something
that is a hard deadline!

We still have to get the calendar to the Storefront, get the word out to
prospective buyers, and get them shipped to those that want to use it in
their shows and fundraisers.

We should really have the calendar in the storefront now.

We are not far away from March.

We are not months away from revenue.

If we had the calendar now we could have revenue now.

I think there are already 2017 calendars available for wild life or other

So don't delay, decide now, why not follow John Jones suggestion about the
I need an answer because MARCH is 11 days away and the calendar will be
late as it is!

Janet Smith
Editor, Chair, Coordinator, Volunteer, of the Calendar

> I, too, think having the calendar earlier in the year is a huge benefit. I
> bet
> having it available for the spring convention would ever generate more
> sales.
> Michelle
> Sent using CloudMagic Email
> [https://cloudmagic.com/k/d/mailapp?ct=pa&cv=8.1.25&pv=5.0&source=email_footer_2]
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 6:56 AM, John Jones < 100h@rewrite.aisboard.org
> [100h@rewrite.aisboard.org] > wrote:
> No one is rushing anything. It is a simple motion and our process is
> designed so
> that we can have an adequate discussion.
> I think John Ludi answered Dorothy's question.
> In the past we have all too often gotten the calendar far too late in the
> season.
> It would be a great advantage tol have the calendar available for the
> spring
> shows when we get a lot of exposure to the public. What a great way to
> interest
> visitors to the show venues in malls and other public places in our
> beautiful
> flower.
> The tabling function is meant to relieve the requirement to vote when we
> don't
> have enough information to move forward, not as a means to quash a
> discussion.
> John Jones
> Director
> ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Robert Pries <101p@rewrite.aisboard.org>
> To: aisdiscuss@aisboard.org
> Sent: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 06:14:20 -0600 (CST)
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] 2017 calenders
> Why do we appear to be rushing this issue through? I think Dwayne made a
> valid
> point that the calenders will not be needed until months from now and
> Dorothy's
> questions seem like VERY pertinent points that should be answered before
> any
> motion would be made. I am not against calenders but there are lots of
> other
> issues that could be profitably discussed and that we should be proactive
> about.
> I would like to see this issue tabled until the information requested be
> provided and the timing is closer to the need. Therefore I move we table
> the
> motion.
> --
> Bob Pries
> Zone 7a
> Roxboro, NC
> (336)597-8805
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