Re: Motion to approve Bob Pries as chair of the National Collections, Display & Test Gardens Committee

For those of you who are unclear as to the purpose and mission of the Committee for National Collections, Display and Test Gardens I will direct you to the Operations Manual of the American Iris Society. All job descriptions should be listed here and updated as they evolve. Where is the Operations manual? In the wiki of course! Go to the Index on the side bar or in the middle of the main page and click on index. Find operations manual in the index and click there and then to National Collections. Or you can paste the following link into your url bar;

Note the Operations Manual was created with the work of Roy Epperson as president, Jeanne Plank as Policy chair, and the contributions of each Officer and chair as they have been submitted. Despite the fact that we may seem to have little organization to our organization this bit of bureaucracy belies that statement.  Note if anyone sees the need for amendments to their descriptions please submit them and I will help you get them changed.

----- Original Message -----
Michelle Snyder moved and Judy Keisling seconded the below motion. As 
such, it is officially out for discussion.

"That Bob Pries be named as Chairperson for the AIS National 
Collections, Display and Test Gardens committee"


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