FW: Jack Grint

Hello all,


Our friend across the pond Clive Russell sent me this email this morning,
and I thought I would pass this on for those of you that knew Mr. Grint.







Kelly D. Norris

Farm Manager, Rainbow Iris Farm

Editor, Irises: The Bulletin of the American Iris Society

Bedford & Ames, IA 

Zone 4b/5a

Read my blog at:  <http://www.kellydnorris.com/> http://www.kellydnorris.com


From: Clive Russell [mailto:clive_russell@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2011 10:17 AM
To: kellydn@frontiernet.net
Subject: Jack Grint


Hello Kelly,


I was advised yesterday that Jack Grint had died on 22 Jan while on a cruise
in the Caribbean. 

He and his wife were on the Oriana in Jamaica with friends, had had a nice
dinner on board and 

he died in his sleep that night. 

There was obviously the problem of getting him home, which is why the
funeral is not until next 


Jack was before your time, and although he was not a hybridizer, he was the
first person from the 

UK to attend an AIS convention after WWII and he attended quite a few. He
was quite friendly 

with the Suttons and Schreiners, with whom he stayed when over there. He
also knew Bill Marryott 

Jean Clay Plank the Kaspereks and quite a few others.

Not too sure how relevant this is to today's AIS members, but I thought you
should know.

There will be an obit for the BIS Year Book, which I will probably have to





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