RE: January 2010 Bulletin

Title: Message

Hi All

I am feeling quite guilty about this as well.

The problem, I think, is that the published reports, that come before the board at the fall meeting, are subject to much spontaneous correction during the meeting. What we (the editors and webmasters and Secretary) need are corrected lists AFTER the meeting in November.

This would apply to the RVP’s, Sections, board members and Chair positions. Maybe others?

During the meeting, discussion moves along so fast that no one person can catch all of this stuff. Not this person anyway.


It’s sunny out!


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Michelle Snyder
Monday, February 22, 2010 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] January 2010 Bulletin


Well, aren't I embarrassed.  Saying that I have all the names for everything is one thing but typing the wrong message is another.  Lynn is Donations Chair and Jody Nolin is the Affiliates Liaison.  There are a few other changes such as there are now three people handling exhibitions and Jim Morris is both Section and Cooperating Liaison.  I apologize for the above error.  When typing my brain and fingers are not always in sync.


On 2/21/2010 10:06 PM, Michelle Snyder wrote:

Further to Lynn's comment re being a Director, she is also Affiliates Liaison.  As I mentioned in my prior email, I have the names of all of the current Directors, Officers and Committee Chairs.  Please let me know if I need to supply these names to anyone for either the web page or the bulletin.


On 2/21/2010 6:06 PM, Lynn wrote:

Hi Kelly, Terry, and Erica,


I got to peek at the Plank's advance copy and was very impressed.  It looks spectacular.  Just a note for the next bulletin.  Jeanne Clay Plank is now the RVP for Region 14, not me, I'm just the immediate past RVP.  Also, I am an AIS Director, so would appreciate you adding me to the list.


Thanks much,


Lynn Williams

25415 Salmon Pl.

Willits, CA 95490

(707) 456-0371

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] January 2010 Bulletin

To Kelly, Terry and Erica,


Wow!  Very impressive January Bulletin!  Thanks Terry for sending an advance copy as I am finalizing my April column copy.  The three of you faced a steep learning curve to convert the format and you got it done.  I'm going to have to figure out how to reconfigure my bookcase to handle the new size.


I'm sure that you will continue to experiment with sidebars, reverse white-on-black, type fonts, picture sizing, offsets, page bleed, etc.  I especially liked that on the color pages you used some of the section headings in color type.  That was well done and not over done.  The use of Photo Contest winners' pictures was awesome.  I would have liked to know what state they were from as many photographers are unknown to me.  And that is good!  It is so nice to see new people get some recognition.  Also the In Your Backyard

feature has that same possibility (love it). 


Overall, I think people are going to be very pleased if not downright excited about the NEW Bulletin.  Well done!


Jim M.



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