Re: AIS Website

John, I think I tried to answer before, but I'll just offer my comments a 
little different, if they will help.

"What do you think the main audience for the website is?

      A.I.S. is a business.  We're just a non-profit business, but we're 
still selling our product.  Our product is promoting the interest in, and 
culture of irises.   We don't use the word "advertising irises", but that's 
what we do.

"Why do you think they come to our website?

        People come to the site looking for information, all sorts of 
information.   Old visitors probably have something in mind, like they are 
looking up information they know is on the website.   New visitors may come 
to the site because they like the pretty flower or are seeking answers on 
culture, or maybe they want to find a club.  I think in some near future, we 
should have a large database of variety photos so that people can just look 
up what a specific variety looks like.   American Hermerocallis Society has 
positioned themselves to do so, at (this is a 
subsidiary link off their main site).

"What action do you want people to take when they first come to our 

    To have an easy index to migrate through.  To also have a site map. 
We'd like visitors to WANT check it out further.  To have "carrots" that 
encourage visitors to enjoy the website and look further.

"What do you think the primary emphasis of our site should be?"

       I don't think there should be "primary".  There should be lots of 
different emphasizes on the web site.  I don't see as much of "taking away 
from our current website", but more of "enhancing the current web site to be 
more attractive".   This is an ongoing process.   What we currently have 
isn't what we started out with the first website... wasn't it Scott Aitken 
who did some of the beginning site years back?  Even what we do today will 
probably go thru changes into the future.

"What do you think the bad things about our website are?"

       I think I've mentioned this before.  Currently it's pretty 
unattractive graphically as far as someone seeing the beauty of our irises.

What websites demonstrate the kind of things you would like to see for the 
AIS website?

       American Hermerocallis Society has a gorgeous website.   They have 
beautiful pictures which refresh, which show recent award winners.   They 
have the ability to have on-line registrations of daylilies at their site. 
They have 'About the Society', 'Membership Information', AHS Officers and 
Staff', Frequently Asked Questions, 'Daylily Dictionary', 'Awards and Honors', 
'Conventions/Meetings', 'Display Gardens', 'Daylily Sources', 'Popularity 
Polls', 'Daylily Publications', 'AHS Archives', 'Regional Activities', AHS 
Youth Pages', 'Registering a Daylily', 'Cultivar Database Online', 'Research 
Fellowships', 'Exhibition Judges Materials',  'Garden Judges Materials', 
'Photo & Video Awards Info', 'International Daylily Groups', 'AHS Press 
Releases, 'Board Announcements', 'New on the AHS Website'.   The only thing 
I fault on their index is that I think they should alphabetize their index. 
Every one of these things are helpful to somebody.  And AIS does have 
similar things to many of these.

"What other ideas do you have?"

   Yes.  Maybe a prototype of several possible new designs could be offered 
for those on AISdiscuss to look at and comment on.   Could that be done?

I am excited that work is being done on enhancing the AIS website.  I'm sure 
we'll all be glad when the enhancements are available!
Kitty Loberg
Region 14 Webmaster

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John I Jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 7:47 AM
Subject: [AISdiscuss] AIS Website

Last November, I asked you all on this list for suggestions about the
AIS website.
(Well some of you are new to the list since then, so this is you
first exposure to the questions.)

I got two responses (thank you both).

So I ask again (with slightly modified questions):

What do you think the main audience for the website is? (AIS members?
Non-AIS members? Experienced iris growers? Beginner iris growers?
Hybridizers? People wanting to buy irises? Wanting to find clubs?
Other?[obviously I have not listed everything nor necessarily even
the most important ones])

Why do you think they come to our website?

What action do you want people to take when they first come to our

What do you think the primary emphasis of our site should be?

While it is important to have as much information as possible on our
website, should we structure the site so that the most important
information for the highest use audience is the most readily
available. If not what should be the highest priority? (Yes we want
to have obvious links to the other types of information.)

What do you think the bad things about our website are?

What websites demonstrate the kind of things you would like to see
for the AIS website?

What other questions should be asked here?

What other ideas do you have?

Now is your chance.



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