Re: Feb. PresMes-Insurance issues

In a message dated 2/28/2006 11:26:08 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Regarding affiliate insurance, I think I remember hearing that  the
affiliates were given a survey when the membership survey was done  last
year, and I tried to find online where I had seen results of the  survey, but
couldn't find it quickly this morning.  I was wondering if  affiliates had
been asked about insurance and sharing of costs.   It just seems to me that
no affiliate would think they deserve to be  covered by insurance at no cost.
My local club has paid the garden club for  insurance previous to the AIS
coverage, as we recognize the importance of  insurance.   Seems like we paid
$100 to $150.   Knowing  our clubs finances, I suspect $250 - $400 might be
too high for our club to  cover, as our club has had three years running of
significant budget  shortfalls.   However, I honestly believe there must be
some sort  of sliding scale for an affiliate insurance rate that would be
acceptable  to a number of affiliates.

Kitty  Loberg

I too clearly remember the survey being done and that many local  affiliates 
responding favorably.  The total results were never published  that I know of 
and I asked for the specific results at the Fall 2005 AIS Board  meeting of 
which groups in Region 18 had responded favorably so I could follow  up on 
asking them for voluntary contributions but never received the  information, even 
following up for the info.
I truly don't think this is a "Blanche DuBois-depending on the  kindness of 
strangers" issue; it is a matter of everyone paying their fair  share-just like 
rent and utilities among roommates.
I really think there are so many important issues that we all fail to  follow 
thru with items under discussion-such as the insurance contribution  
information of which there was never a final report or action items.  None  of us can 
keep track of issues and action items without a score card!
Rita  Gormley
Region 18  RVP
Gormley Greenery
Cedar Hill, MO
AIS Region 18, Zone  5

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