ORCHID SOC. begging for members!


    I like the idea. for gardeners who love a bargain, this sort of
incentive gets the individual exposed to the Society and the publication
early on.    I can remember my earlier years.spending hours and hours
pouring through catalogs wanting irises I couldn't afford. looking for
bargains.    I also remember that I was a local club member for half of a
decade before I knew much about AIS and the regions.

     I have had an idea of another incentive program.   So many of our local
societies have members who are not AIS members. and many of them remain
non-AIS members for years.   I know my local club is more concerned about
getting club members than getting AIS members. it's another chore to carry
around AIS brochures, bulletins, and literature, and everyone forgets or is
too busy to accept the responsibility.   I feel we need to create some
incentive to the local club members to want to join AIS early on.

     My idea is this:   What if there was some way to offer a bundled
membership to encourage people to join both the local club and AIS at the
same time, at a discounted price?   At our club, we are always inviting the
public at shows and rhizome sales to join our club, and our membership fee
is $10.00.   What if there was a "bundled AIS/club membership" for $25,
encouraging individuals to join both local and national societies for $25 as
a new member, the local club could keep their fee, and the club treasurer
would forward the difference to AIS with a certificate.    Or an alternative
would be to offer a membership to both the local club and AIS at full price,
and provide a significant gift, like a gift rhizome certificate, or large
new AIS calendar.

     My objective is to find ways to encourage earlier participation in AIS,
rather than it taking 5-10 years for gardeners newly interested in irises to
figure out what AIS has to offer.

    I agree Terry, any way we can offer incentives is a good idea.

Kitty Loberg

> Hi All
> I just got my monthly orchid bulletin with a brand new offer.
> If an existing member brings in a new member, BOTH parties get a free 4"
> potted orchid from a choice of several very good nurseries. (that's
> probably a $30.00 value plus postage) AOS is a huge organization.
> I have talked to other societies who are losing members. We are not in
> this situation alone!
> We may even be lucky.
> Terry

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