Re: AIS eRobins

Dear Jeanne , Today is my day on the "puter" I have been trying for 2 years to attract members in another part of my state and kept running into a wall . the people live 7 hours away from me and are members of AIS but. zilch on phone calls , email, and snail mail and personal contact wasn't working either . All their shows are done thru the Federated Garden Club and Judged by their rules. SO last year I joined Federated Garden Club and slowly things are progressing we are all talking and they are interested in when our shows are . I made sure that the Federated Judges are asked to come and Judge our arrangements and they are willing to teach arrangements and what to look for in arrangements. I think that well written stories sent to monthly magazines and perhaps a few Pictures or small adv's in catalogues. I feel that we (AIS) needs a budget for national advertisement for gardens. Really put us out front in the media maybe a NATIONAL Dedicated Garden at Ground level New York City lots of media hoopla , try to attract color photo in ladies magazines. Why not a story of the National in St. Louis ask a local newspaper man to come along (free) for coverage we might get on the Today Show, coordinated with a small Garden in Oklahoma City . What we need is a PR person with a small budget about $400.00 per yr (no salary the money is for publishing only )and to work with 4 H Extension and the garden clubs of Federated on the Veterans Memorial Highway project . Or the National Rose Society and perhaps the Dahlia Society.. Get involved along the way we are bound to meet and attract new members. Sincerely Ann Violette RVP Region 11
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