RE: AIS Libarian
from what I emember, the Presby had offered a room upstairs in a building that
would not be open to the public except on a limited basis. It was not
handicapped accessible and would be more of a storage place. ot much
different than what w have now, but at least it is open to the public.
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] AIS Libarian
> From:
> CC:
> Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 15:08:22 -0500
> May I suggest that Presby be approached about housing and operating the AIS
> Library for a fee? Clarence Mahan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judy Keisling <>
> To: AIS Discuss <>
> Cc: Tracy Plotner <>
> Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 1:56 pm
> Subject: [AISdiscuss] AIS Libarian
> Hello All,
> am sorry to report that Tracy Plotner will no longer be able to
> ontinue as
> he AIS Librarian, due to health issues. I suspected that this
> ight be the
> ase when I heard at the Fall Board meeting that her health was
> ot good, so
> ave had "feelers" out for a new librarian in the
> ilverton/Salem/Portland
> rea. Tracy and Will have also been looking. So far
> o one has stepped up to
> ay "I'll do it."
> o for the time being, the AIS
> ibrary is closed. From discussions with Tracy I
> earned that all mail for
> he library comes to her home. She will hold it and
> hen it accumulates to a
> oint, she or Will will take it to the library where it
> ill be stored until
> e have a new librarian to file it.
> ll phone calls and emails for the
> ibrary also come to Tracy's home. I have
> old her that she should respond
> hat the library is "temporarily" closed.
> ccording to Tracy, this is the
> omewhat slow time of year for inquiries.
> f any of your know anyone in an
> rea somewhat close to the library in
> ilverton, please provide me with their
> ame and contact information. The
> ibrarian's duties are as follows:
> *
> eceiving and filing all catalogs and publications submitted.
> * Excess of the
> ame catalogs are sent to the AIS Auction yearly
> * Maintaining the computer
> og.
> * Responding to inquiries
> he librarian's hours are very flexible - no
> et schedule. Tracy said she
> verages 3 - 4 hours a week at the library.
> he library is located in the YMCA
> uilding in Silverton. Tracy will be able
> o "train" the new person; that is
> xplain where things are and how things
> re done.
> f we are unable to find someone in the area of the library -
> ell, that's a
> hole different ballgame as it may require moving the library
> o another part of
> he country. Let's hope it doesn't come to this.
> n the
> eanwhile, we wish Tracy only the best and sincerely appreciate her years
> f
> ervice as AIS librarian.
> udy
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