AIS Libarian

Hello All,
I am sorry to report that Tracy Plotner will no longer be able to
continue as 
the AIS Librarian, due to health issues.  I suspected that this
might be the 
case when I heard at the Fall Board meeting that her health was
not good, so 
have had "feelers" out for a new librarian in the
area.  Tracy and Will have also been looking. So far
no one has stepped up to 
say "I'll do it."
So for the time being, the AIS
Library is closed.  From discussions with Tracy I 
learned that all mail for
the library comes to her home.  She will hold it and 
when it accumulates to a
point, she or Will will take it to the library where it 
will be stored until
we have a new librarian to file it.
All phone calls and emails for the
library also come to Tracy's home.  I have 
told her that she should respond
that the library is "temporarily" closed.  
According to Tracy, this is the
somewhat slow time of year for inquiries.
If any of your know anyone in an
area somewhat close to the library in 
Silverton, please provide me with their
name and contact information.  The 
librarian's duties are as follows:
Receiving and filing all catalogs and publications submitted.
	* Excess of the
same catalogs are sent to the AIS Auction yearly
	* Maintaining the computer
	* Responding to inquiries
The librarian's hours are very flexible - no
set schedule.  Tracy said she 
averages 3 - 4 hours a week at the library. 
The library is located in the YMCA 
building in Silverton.  Tracy will be able
to "train" the new person; that is 
explain where things are and how things
are done.
If we are unable to find someone in the area of the library -
well, that's a 
whole different ballgame as it may require moving the library
to another part of 
the country.  Let's hope it doesn't come to this.
In the
meanwhile, we wish Tracy only the best and sincerely appreciate her years 
service as AIS librarian.

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