Re: Exhibitions Committee

If the forms can be made into Acrobat PDF files trhat would be best for
downloading from the website and we can certainly meake them available

John Jones
Electronic Svcs Chair

> Hi Lois, and welcome aboard!
> Suggestion regarding the certificates and show report forms, I would think
> that these should be available to you and easier to use online, rather
> than
> hard  copy.
> Ruth Barker
> In a message dated 12/20/2009 6:08:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> Season's Greetings,  everyone,
> This is Lois Rose, front end of the new Exhibitons Committee.  I am  the
> person who will receive show schedules for approval.
> I find all this AIS Discuss business a bit intimidating, but since I read
> that not all of you received Roy Epperson's Open Letter to Affiliates
> introducing the new Exhibitions Committee, I thought the time had come to
> introduce myself and give you all my contact information.  As a result of
> Roy's
> letter, I have already received a couple of schedules for  approval.  I am
> not yet in a position to return them, as I have not yet  received the
> supply
> of certificates and show report forms that need to go back  to the
> sponsoring
> affiliates with them.  I expect to have those and be  completely up and
> running in early January.
> Should any of you need to contact me, or know anyone who needs to contact
> me, regarding Exhibitions and/or a show schedule, my contact info is:
> Lois Rose
> P.O. Box 30
> Partlow, VA 22534
> Phone:  (540) 582-5799
> e-mail:  _LOWY222@aol.com_ (   [upper case not
> required; I use it only to distinguish "L"s from "1"s.]
> I look forward to working with you.
> Lois, who is currently snowed in on her farm in rural Virginia and
> looking
> forward to a very white  Christmas.

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