Re: Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership

On Aug 8, 2010, at 7:52 PM, cheryl deaton wrote:

John, I agree that prices have risen and it is not unreasonable to expect to pay more for services.  I am concerned that regular membership which includes the printed Bulletin, will decrease when members realize they are receiving more 'bang for their buck' with an e membership.  Falling 'printed' memberships will mean lost revenue in more than one way...fewer issues of The Bulletin "IRISES" will need to be printed, but cost per copy will rise. 

If subscriptions do decrease, eventually the cost per bulletin will rise unless we find another way to have them printed. (Necessity being the mother of invention and so forth along with the advances in technology - who knows what will happen)

Currently, does someone have to be an AIS member to subscribe to IrisRegister? 

Nope, any John, Mary or Iris can subscribe to irisregister including individuals in any part of the world that has access to the internet.


If not, then that is one way to increase membership and at a higher price :>) lol!

Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 11:23:35 -0700

Cheryl et. alia,

As I remember, it is the intention to make current irisregister subscribers AIS e-members for the length of their current irisregister subscriptions (at no additional cost). As of 20 APR 2010 the BOD restricted subscriptions to irisregister to single year subscriptions ($10) in anticipation of making it available only as part of the emembership.

So e-members will all get irisregister in addition to the other e-services. Yes I suppose it will cost you and additional $5.00 if all you are interested in is irisregister. It is hoped that non-AIS members that are subscribers to irisregister will become more interested in AIS. Additionally, irisregister has been $10/year since it first went online in 2003. Personally I don't think it is unreasonable that the subscription price should go up. Even electronic costs have risen. (All those little electrons were complaining about low pay... <grin>)


On Aug 6, 2010, at 10:34 AM, cheryl deaton wrote:

I agree with most of what you have said except for the difference in 'printed' membership versus e membership when it applies to the iris register.  Currently, as a life member of AIS I have all the services you have listed.  I also subscribe to Iris Register for a $10 annual fee.  If we include Iris Register in only the 'e membership' then I would need to pay an additional $15 yearly for a service I am currently getting at $5 less, and I would be duplicating most of my membership priviledges. I do not see this as fair or equitable.Yes I would have the opportunity to download the E Bulletin, but if I have the hard copy, I wouldn't need to.
I have said for years that we should sell annual subscriptions to the Bulletin.  Depending on the cost per copy, we could offer subscriptions for less than $20, or $5 per copy.  Much depends on what Kelly finds out with the new cost projections, but this is getting away from the e membership discussion.

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 16:44:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership

I agree with the following proposed ByLaw change to add  class f as follows:
(f) electronic membership,
       includes access to such other services and content as may be decided by the AIS Board of Directors.  Electronic membership shall include membership privileges in the AIS, but does not duplicate privileges by choosing to have both electronic membership and another class of membership (ie., one vote per member).
In addition, below is my understanding of what would be included in each membership (Regular and E-membership)...What else do they or should they include?
Regular Membership......$25 annually
**receives printed Bulletin only
**access to AIS website --also open to the public
**access to Wiki--also open to the public
**regional membership
**ability to hold office of an affiliate
**ability to become an AIS judge
**one vote as a member in General Elections
**must renew annually to maintain membership
**can pay by PayPal, VISA/MC, or personal check
E membership......$15 annually
** receives electronic Bulletin only
**access to AIS website--also open to the public
**access to Wiki--also open to public
**access to electronic iris register
**regional membership
**ability to be an officer of an affiliate
**ability to be come an AIS judge
**one vote as a member in General Elections
**membership renewable automatically by electronic means so can't lose membership
**can pay by PayPal, VISA/MC, ror personal check
I personally will have both memberships, but many people may just drop their regular membership and switch to e-membership since it is cheaper.  This will initally cost us money but I think  will make us money in the long run due to printing fewer Bulletins.  We also might consider offerring printed copies of the AIS Bulletin at bookshops or newstands at say $15 a copy as a promotion device but that is another topic...Jill  

-----Original Message----- 
From: Gormleygreenery 
Sent: Jul 30, 2010 7:47 AM 
To: "" 
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership 

Apparently the Scientific Committee is working on a rewording of the motion based on the feedback and should have it to AIS Discuss soon and then we can proceed!  Guess everyone is digging irises this week!


Sent from my iPod

On Jul 29, 2010, at 3:34 PM, "Lynn" <> wrote:

I think this works, do we need anything else to make this a motion? 
I have been on the board of several non-profit organizations and have either been directly involved in reworking by-laws, or reviewed and considered them as a Director.  The most important thing is to keep it simple so that further revising does not need to be done.  I think the below proposed amendment wording does that.
Lynn Williams
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Rita Gormley
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership

Although the latest round of responses gives "food for thought", I think we are getting into too much detail here and not addressing the original e-mail from Gary White which is to come up with wording for a Motion for Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership with comments following by John Jones.  (see below for the beginning from the archives or Click here: aisdiscuss archives )

As Gary pointed out, there are specific requirements in the current AIS Bylaws as to notification times for Amendments and, as I understand it, notice needs to be in the AIS October 2010 Bulletin(deadline August 15th) of the Motion to be voted on by the AIS Board at the November 2010 Board Meeting and actual Amendment to go in the January 2011 AIS Bulletin to be voted on by the whole AIS Membership.

Let's work on the wording of the Motion that will allow us to include Electronic Membership.  What we have so far.....

The proposed amendment of the bylaws change is to add class f as follows:


(f) electronic membership, 

includes access to such other services and content as may be decided by the AIS BOD
Electronic membership shall include membership privileges in the AIS, but does not duplicate privileges for those choosing to have both electronic membership and another class of membership. (ie one vote per member) 

Rita Gormley RVP Counselor
The Strategic Planning committee is proposing a change to the AIS Bylaws for addition of an electronic membership class to Article III, Section 2 of the bylaws.  The proposed amendment of the bylaws change is to add class f as follows:


(f) electronic membership, which shall include the Bulletin available electronically, and  other electronic services as they become available.  Electronic membership shall include full membership privileges in the AIS, but does not duplicate privileges for those choosing to have both electronic membership and another class of membership.


Gary White,
Chairman Strategic Planning Committee

Re: Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership

On Jul 24, 2010, at 6:13 PM, gary white wrote:

Thanks John,
I appreciate the comments and you have some excellent points. And no, we do not intend for the "full membership privileges" to include the printed bulletin in an electronic membership.
First, I don't believe we want to go into a lot of detail about the electronic membership in the bylaws, because if any of it changes, a bylaws change will also be necessary.  So, for the bylaws, we should keep the description of the electronic membership rather general.  We can certainly adjust the wording to better fit the class of membership, but it should be in line with the other classes of membership that are already in the bylaws.   John, your last paragraph addresses this, and I would be amenable to including that or similar wording in the description. 

I agree. Leaving the definition of services up to board action gives the flexibility to meet the needs of the society with the least bureaucratic overhead.

Second, we also posted the message about the bylaws proposal to comply with the requirements set out for making amendments to the AIS bylaws.  So, this is for discussion purposes and to announce to the membership that the AIS Board of Directors will be considering this bylaws change at the Fall board meeting in November.  An announcement will also be in the October Bulletin regarding this proposed bylaws amendment.  In November, the AIS board will have a motion and vote whether to initiate the bylaws change.   If the AIS Board vote is affirmative by two-thirds vote, then the bylaws amendment will go in the January Bulletin for membership voting.

I understand.



--- On Sat, 7/24/10, John I Jones <> wrote:

From: John I Jones <>
Subject: Re: [AISdiscuss] Proposed bylaws amendment notice - electronic membership
Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 6:35 PM

I hope that we can discuss this for a while before making a motion as I think the wording needs some work and it it easier to change it prior to a motion being made.

I think that better wording might be: 

" which shall include the access to an electronic version of the bulletin"

The would allow us to make it available but not be required to actively deliver it (e.g. email it to electronic members). It would also allow us to have a different version of the bulletin available electronically.

I am concerned that the phrase "full membership privileges"  could be construed to include getting the printed bulletin where I don't think that is the intent. I  am not trying to be intentionally obtuse, but I don't know what "full membership privileges" are.

I think there should be some mention of access to the members section of the AIS Website (when implemented). 

Is it our intent to have electronic membership count towards qualifications of an AIS judge? (I would think so )

There is no mention of the inclusion of access to the online iris registration database. (I am intentionally not referencing "" in case we decide to rename it at some later date).

Perhaps a phrase something like: "includes access to such other services and content as may be decided by the AIS BOD". In that light, perhaps we should word it so that we can add OR delete services at the pleasure of the board.

Those are my initial thoughts.


On Jul 24, 2010, at 1:27 PM, gary white wrote:

The Strategic Planning committee is proposing a change to the AIS Bylaws for addition of an electronic membership class to Article III, Section 2 of the bylaws.  The proposed amendment of the bylaws change is to add class f as follows:
(f) electronic membership, which shall include the Bulletin available electronically, and  other electronic services as they become available.  Electronic membership shall include full membership privileges in the AIS, but does not duplicate privileges for those choosing to have both electronic membership and another class of membership.
Gary White,
Chairman Strategic Planning Committee

Rita Gormley
P. O. Box 177, De Leon Springs, FL 32130
Phone & Fax-386-277-2057
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